Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
mojo, where for art thou?
I don't know what it is, but I just have this lack of creativity. Everytime, I sit down to try and scrapbook, I can't! I don't know if it's because I'm tired after working all day, because my time is very limited, I don't feel original...I think it's all of these things. Maybe, it's just because I have too much stuff and I don't know what I have anymore! Oh, and a lack of inspirational photographs... grrr
Cards... lately I feel like I've enjoyed making these more than layouts... maybe because they're small and take less time?
Maybe I shouldn't force it...I've taken an 18 month hiatus before. I often wonder if I enjoy shopping for pretty things more than actually scrapbooking!
Anyways, I'll share a layout I did a couple months back, just because I want to share one. ;) It's always an interesting challenge to use a diecut paper made for 12x12 scrappers, when you're an 8 1/2 x 11 scrapper!
Maaaaybe I should challenge myself to do a 12x12 layout and see if that helps? But...I'd have issues of it not conforming with the rest of my books...holy OCD! lol
Here is a card. I think they're fun. I no longer feel like I'm wasting supplies making cards. Maybe, I should tone it down on the sticker alphas though and use my QK or Sizzix alphas. They're replenishable. I rather save my stickers for layouts, if I ever make one again! (K, I've done layouts recently I'm just not ever happy with them anymore!) Maybe this card needs a greeting... I dunno! I love using regular sewing pins through ribbon!
Posted by Aleks at 12:36 AM 3 comments
Saturday, April 25, 2009
We all know there is so much drama in the scrapbooking world...I guess you get that many women together it's bound to happen. Generally, I don't like to cause ripples...
I left the design team I was on, because basically I was being punished for a having a real job. My tasks were given to someone else...someone who spends hours a day on the computer. Well, I simply can't do that. It's really disappointing when you're trying to do a good job with the time you have. In any case, a design team shouldn't take away from your real life and I wasn't letting that happen. There was hardly enough compensation for all the stress in that situation. I feel good about my decision. Apparently, the store owner does not and has decided to remove me from her site.
It's ok though, there are plenty of places on the internet to be... places where I don't feel like I've done something wrong because I have a job, a family and responsibilities!
Lulu, the reason I left facebook is because I'm trying to minimize how much time I spend on the computer and even though I wasn't getting on facebook often....I just don't even have the option to go on now. ;) For the most part I try to limit my days to 30 minutes of computer time a day. Some days I don't go on and other days a bit longer.
Posted by Aleks at 10:43 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Kir DeVries
So, awhile back Lori had this posted on her blog...and I've been drooling and dreaming since that day. Well, last week I went ahead and treated myself to some goodies and got a few things.
First of all, I want to say that the owner of Kir DeVries, amazing! She was offering free shipping over $40 and she made a coupon code for me so I could receive the same offer! She even gave me a little extra just because I was having a hard time checking out! ^.^ She is just such a wonderful lady to make a transaction with, that for SURE I will be ordering from her again in the future. And, just an FYI...she offers a flat rate of 5.95 shipping to Canada as well. This in itself is an amazing feature, because we all know there are stores that want to charge us $20+ just to send a package of brads. This kind of customer service does not go unnoticed!
So, wanna see what I got?
This awesome lunch tote. This has got to be one of my favourite colours to wear...because it makes my eyes super why not have a lunch bag in this colour. Not that I will be carrying it around my neck...but you never know, it's just that cute! ;)Now, I already have a stainless water bottle...but WHO could resist this one?!?? The other one,I'll keep in my gym bag, it's bigger and I die of thirst when I'm working out. This will be perfect for my water at lunch! Plus, it's green!

Elephants are my all time fave animal. They're so cute! I was so excited there was an elephant lunch box. I snagged it yup. Could that saying be ANY cuter! Even if grammatically it should say "an elephant." It just makes it that much more charming! Oh *swoon*

Posted by Aleks at 11:40 PM 6 comments
Thursday, April 9, 2009
It appears that I've been an awful blogger! Well, I haven't been scrapbooking too much as of late. But there was an online crop, so I had a chance to get some stuff done as well as complete some pages for my Savvy N' Sassy DT. All the ribbon used on the layouts is from there!
Here are 4 of my favourite layouts that I've created this month. They're all quite different, I think. But, I am really pleased with them all. Do you find that you make layouts that you are too embarrased to share, because you're just not happy with them? That's about half my layouts.
You can click on these to see them larger. :) I took pics this time, so hopefully you can see more detail.
This one is of my 4 beautiful children taken last August.
My cute little muffin top. This CC paper was perfect for this FP tunnel he had, and loved!

This new Kraft line by FP is HEAVENLY. Granted, I only have this one sheet (more is coming!) I was terrified to work with it, because as you know all diecut papers are designed for 12x12 scrappers. Well, I am quite pleased with how the cutting wound up on this layout. Will give me some kahones to try it again with different shapes. ;) Isn't baby so cute? Last Canada Day... *wah*

This one is of my DD, the day after she was born. You can tell by the background it's a hospital they have a limited supply of corny backgrounds! ;) I think this is my favourite layout. I got brave and used my prima papers...and my fave alphas, by doodlebug! I NEED a diecut of these letters! Please someone, make them into a diecut!
Posted by Aleks at 8:53 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I joined Curves on Tuesday...I am SO ready to quit being fat! I've done this before..then I done did get pregnant and now it's time to focus on ME again. My turn! Tomorrow I am going to Curves to go through the circuit with a staff member and then I'll be good to go 4x a week after work and maybe even Thursday mornings when I drop Kara off at school.
I pledge to myself to get healthy and happy. I remember what that felt like when I lost 50 pounds before! For sure, I'll be spending less time on the computer..I already have. Somethings in life are just more important. Instead of being parked here for hours on end, I can use that time wisely instead of moping about how I look.
I'm in the process of starting a weight loss blog as well. Today I worked out on the elipitcal for the first time in YEARS. I thought I would die after 30 seconds...but I managed 20 minutes! I also had the pleasure of doing yoga with Bob from the Biggest Loser! ;) He's kind of cute! lol
Wish me the best! I want happiness!
Posted by Aleks at 4:22 PM 6 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
2nd birthday of the year...
already. Mine. *wah* Birthdays are a time for joy and celebration. But, you know...I always feel sad and lonely on mine...I reflect on things that haven't turned out, and wonder how much time I have to do what I need to do etc etc. I KNOW!!! I'm such a downer. I guess, even growing up I didn't have birthdays, usually my mom would just say happy birthday and that was maybe I grew up with a negative attitude towards my own birthday? I'm 28 today. That's just 2 short years from 30. *sniffle* For breakfast I had a nice big slice of leftover cake from Jamie's birthday. I even stuck a candle in it and blew it out, much to my own amusement..since no one else was looking!! It made TOTAL sense to me why I had done it.
We're not having another cake today...there's really no point when we still have some in the fridge, and I've already indulged. *blush*
Posted by Aleks at 10:03 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Happy Birthday!!
Our first birthday of the year! To my loving and caring partner, Jamie, Happy 31st! You're so wonderful, generous, loving and attentive! You're the best kind of father there is! I am truly blessed to have you in my life! xoxox
Posted by Aleks at 4:06 PM 1 comments
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Does it need a title?
I always struggle to find titles for posts, do they really need them? I guess it's a good way to break them up. Maybe I'll start posting random titles. :o
I made this layout using mostly February kit from Just Cre8. I still have 2 more months to go with the kit, as much as I love's getting to costly with the shipping. I'm really focusing on spending less money. I don't really buy much of anything anymore. As for scrapbooking, I have SOO much stuff, I'm trying to use stuff up.
Not everyone would get this layout, but it's an Austin Powers quote. I thought it would be funny to do this layout like this because of Kara's pose! I love the flourish rubon (MME) tucked into the corner above the strips...and it's one of those layouts that turned out I'm quite happy with!
Also, it's hard to see, but on the right side, there's some pompom trim tucked underneath one of the strips! It's so cute! That was from the Chocolate Kisses kit at Savvy N' Sassy!
When I get on a roll with layouts, they get better and better for me! I haven't scrapbooked in 2 weeks though, and no idea when I will...but I fear I will hate that layout! lol
I was supposed to go yesterday to crop all day, but I hurt my shoulder/ bed. It wasn't THAT exciting LOL, it was the way I slept or something. It was so bad that I couldn't turn my neck... it's still pretty sore today, but no need to take anything stronger than a couple tylenol with codeine for now...
Anyways, that's it for now. I need to go bra shopping, and this is something I dread.
Posted by Aleks at 10:13 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
On Valentine's Day there was a crop over at LIITD. But, the night before I had started getting sick...and by Saturday morning I was crashed on the sofa..and there I remained for most of the day. I did manage to do a few layouts over the course of the weekend...but nowhere near what I had wanted to! I had been looking forward to spending the day scrapbooking, was my deserved weekend off! (I only get every other weekend off)
Out of 4 layouts I made, I really like 3. I *think* this one is my favourite:
Here is the card I made with the leftovers. I am just horrible at making cards...but I think using scraps, they turn out nicer than me trying to make one from scratch...NO idea why!
I just *adore* the background stamp I used here. It's from JustCre8. It was in the February kit which featured the Fancy Pants line I used here.
I don't have a piece of acrylic big I kept the stamp on the plastic, inked it up, placed it on my paper and THEN pressed with the largest acrylic block I had, covering all the surfaces. Well almost, you can see where I didn't press too hard! ;) I think it still worked out rather well!
Anyways, there's some of my work to share, which I haven't in awhile! :)
Posted by Aleks at 7:03 PM 1 comments
Friday, February 13, 2009
Fiskars Punches
There are 4 new fiskars border punches I must have!
Here are 2 of them:
And they will be here in about a month or so, when I get my next Ribbon Kit! The best part...? They were only $15 each!!!
Check them out here:
Savvy N' Sassy
I *had* to jump on them, because the threading water ones were SOOO hard to get!!! Plus Michael's is where I found $25!!! So yeh wow!! for $5 more I got 2!! I hope I can still get the other 2 border punches!!!
Posted by Aleks at 9:03 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Wanna Win Ribbon for a year?? (and my blog winner!)
First of all.... Congratulations to:
Tee said...
This is a very fun blog, I go here everyday. If you have time, go through the archives :)
Send me an email/message whatever and I'll have a code set up for you!
Now... do *you* want to win a ribbon kit (of your choice) each month for a whole year???
Then check out this post:
Savvy N' Sassy
Now..I have more GC's to give away...they're getting progressively higher...but since my blog traffic isn't high right now, I'm going to hold off on the rest of the giveaways for now! But stay tuned! :)
Posted by Aleks at 9:11 PM 2 comments
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Winner....and...ANOTHER GIVE AWAY!
Kimmy said...
nuh uh, i change mine. i saw a picture of a queen anne lace flower or something like that and that is what this is.
January 23, 2009 8:18 PM
Email me at aleks-81 @ hotmail . com (no spaces) and I will get you a code! :D
The next giveaway is a $10 GC to Savvy N' Sassy! To win this prize...simply link me a blog that you really enjoy visiting!! It can be craft or non craft related! If someone visits my blog on account of you, you get an extra draw! :)
Check out:
Twisted Chicken Ballons - Pretty creative and impressive stuff!
Posted by Aleks at 5:35 PM 8 comments
Sunday, January 18, 2009
What is it? And a scrappy GC!!
Hello! Over the next few weeks I'll be doing 5 different giveaways!!! Stick with me, cause they get better and better! ;)
This week, is nice and easy! I made this layout with this awesome riff raff chipboard..I mean I hoarded this and hoarded this because I needed to save it for the perfect page... I don't know if this was the perfect page for it, but it worked for me! ;)
For a chance to win a $5 gift certificate to Savvy N' Sassy tell me WHAT you think this chipboard is!! This isn't a trick question lol...but many people have differing opinions! I'm not going to say what I think it is...because I want to see if anyone else thinks the same way I do! LOL
Posted by Aleks at 11:10 PM 13 comments
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Love Tim Hortons??
Want to win a $5 gift certificate??? :D
Check out this post:
Also, if you're in the Calgary area, Rhea is having a crop in March, with tons of sponsors and donations!! A full fun day of cropping with meals included!
Posted by Aleks at 7:56 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Pink eye
I has it! :( It is not pleasant I tell you... I've never had it before...and I'm surprised I even have it. I'm a dilligent handwasher..I have to be for my line of work. But...I think I got it from my little son, who currently has a viral infection...not pink eye though.
I hope this all clears up soon, so I can get back to normal, I have things to do... :S
Posted by Aleks at 11:08 PM 0 comments