I joined Curves on Tuesday...I am SO ready to quit being fat! I've done this before..then I done did get pregnant and now it's time to focus on ME again. My turn! Tomorrow I am going to Curves to go through the circuit with a staff member and then I'll be good to go 4x a week after work and maybe even Thursday mornings when I drop Kara off at school.
I pledge to myself to get healthy and happy. I remember what that felt like when I lost 50 pounds before! For sure, I'll be spending less time on the computer..I already have. Somethings in life are just more important. Instead of being parked here for hours on end, I can use that time wisely instead of moping about how I look.
I'm in the process of starting a weight loss blog as well. Today I worked out on the elipitcal for the first time in YEARS. I thought I would die after 30 seconds...but I managed 20 minutes! I also had the pleasure of doing yoga with Bob from the Biggest Loser! ;) He's kind of cute! lol
Wish me the best! I want happiness!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Posted by Aleks at 4:22 PM 6 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
2nd birthday of the year...
already. Mine. *wah* Birthdays are a time for joy and celebration. But, you know...I always feel sad and lonely on mine...I reflect on things that haven't turned out, and wonder how much time I have to do what I need to do etc etc. I KNOW!!! I'm such a downer. I guess, even growing up I didn't have birthdays, usually my mom would just say happy birthday and that was that...so maybe I grew up with a negative attitude towards my own birthday? I'm 28 today. That's just 2 short years from 30. *sniffle* For breakfast I had a nice big slice of leftover cake from Jamie's birthday. I even stuck a candle in it and blew it out, much to my own amusement..since no one else was looking!! It made TOTAL sense to me why I had done it.
We're not having another cake today...there's really no point when we still have some in the fridge, and I've already indulged. *blush*
Posted by Aleks at 10:03 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Happy Birthday!!
Our first birthday of the year! To my loving and caring partner, Jamie, Happy 31st! You're so wonderful, generous, loving and attentive! You're the best kind of father there is! I am truly blessed to have you in my life! xoxox
Posted by Aleks at 4:06 PM 1 comments
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Does it need a title?
I always struggle to find titles for posts, do they really need them? I guess it's a good way to break them up. Maybe I'll start posting random titles. :o
I made this layout using mostly February kit from Just Cre8. I still have 2 more months to go with the kit, as much as I love it...it's getting to costly with the shipping. I'm really focusing on spending less money. I don't really buy much of anything anymore. As for scrapbooking, I have SOO much stuff, I'm trying to use stuff up.
Not everyone would get this layout, but it's an Austin Powers quote. I thought it would be funny to do this layout like this because of Kara's pose! I love the flourish rubon (MME) tucked into the corner above the strips...and it's one of those layouts that turned out I'm quite happy with!
Also, it's hard to see, but on the right side, there's some pompom trim tucked underneath one of the strips! It's so cute! That was from the Chocolate Kisses kit at Savvy N' Sassy!
When I get on a roll with layouts, they get better and better for me! I haven't scrapbooked in 2 weeks though, and no idea when I will...but I fear I will hate that layout! lol
I was supposed to go yesterday to crop all day, but I hurt my shoulder/neck...in bed. It wasn't THAT exciting LOL, it was the way I slept or something. It was so bad that I couldn't turn my neck... it's still pretty sore today, but no need to take anything stronger than a couple tylenol with codeine for now...
Anyways, that's it for now. I need to go bra shopping, and this is something I dread.
Posted by Aleks at 10:13 AM 0 comments