First of all, I just wanted to share what an excellent experience I had at! The slings she has are VERY well priced, under $50 with shipping...and she has some awesome fabrics!! I had a really hard time choosing which one I wanted but, I finally decided on chocolate brown and electric blue....some of my fave colours! :D If you've never "worn" your baby before, try a sling out from someone, or a store that allows you to try them, and you will be hooked!! It's great for the cranky baby that needs to be held all the time, much like my own!! I only WISH I knew about ring slings before my 4th child!
Now, here are a few little things that I have accomplished this weekend...sweet and simple, and in the spirit of St. Valentine's Day! I feel so inspired by red/white/pink! :D
Aren't these little love tiles adorable? Put them on chipboard, distress them and instant embellishment! I used an MM Love Story rubon to journal a quick 5 things I love about this man! When I had this photo printed of my boys, I immediately thought of the Apprentice, hence the title, "It's nothing personal, it's just business." It cracks me up, and I love these boys so much!! :D There is a whole slew of rubons here...she the very first "Its?" Well, those are from the dollar store, and they SUCK. the clear rubbing stuff came off on my page, but the letter did not!!! No matter how hard I rubbed, it just wouldn't budge! Luckily, it left enough of the "impression" of the letter that I could just draw it in with my zig pen... that was stressful! The "personal" and "just" rubons, also from Dollarama...but look how great they look....and not to mention they went on like butter! You win some you lose some, better a dollar than a fiver!

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