I don't embellish a lot: It just looks like the 2008 edition of "sticker sneeze." So, this is my failed attempt. This is a somewhat scraplift of Jennifer Johner...except mine is nowhere near as good as hers, or as cluttered. LOL.
I will hang my head in shame, and return to my simple layouts, and try to enjoy them. ;) Besides, the supplies last longer that way, right?
Oh...Jamie was so sweet, he bought me one of those mega pack of AC rubons today...a good title size, of a generic font...I love it. :) He's the greatest.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
This is why....
Posted by Aleks at 8:44 PM 2 comments
Orange you glad you came?
hahah jk! But, I really love the bright colours of this kit. I'm really loving orange lately. I had a hard time deciding whether to use orange or red for the background of this layout. Red would REALLY make it pop. But, I chose orange, because my eyes are green...but my right eye is 1/4 orange...well it's a shade of brown that looks orange, or something like that. So it looks kind of cool with orange paper. ;) This layout, was a bit different. But, I couldn't wait to try out this paper...and doodle! The doodling is from an image that was on the other side of the paper...it was hard to cut into, knowing I would have loved to use both sides!
Buttons are clear 7gypsies, with a circle of WRMK paper underneath, doodlebug brads through the holes, and the whole thing coated in MM glitter glaze! Each of the large words is outlined in red. Thank goodness the gel pen didn't crap out on me!! (Click on layout to view detail)
Have a good Saturday, our plans were cancelled due to rain. I'll be off shortly to help my grandma hang some curtains and move some furniture!
Posted by Aleks at 12:29 PM 2 comments
Friday, May 30, 2008
June Is In!
Posted by Aleks at 10:58 PM 3 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
My little girl is a whole hand...she's 5! On May 24, it happened. WAAAAHHH! Soon she will be off to Kindergarten, and a whole new adventure will have begun. Where does this time go? Tonight, was her recital. She looked absolutely beautiful. It was hard to catch her with a smile though. Whenever I ask her to smile, she fakes it!!! That girl! :) I'm so proud of her, she did wonderfully.
I love you my girl! :)
Posted by Aleks at 11:46 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
I really feel like I'm being a downer, but not looking for sympathy...just expressing how I feel.
I lost 1.2 pounds at ww today. Although, I'm not really celebrating that as a success....due to stress, anxiety and depression...I haven't been eating well. I'm going to try and do better this week....get back to exercising, lift my spirits a bit.
I've kind of made a decision to stop scrapbooking. This isn't something that's going to happen immediately. I'm going to scrapbook, until I don't have anything to scrapbook with...run out of product sort of. I'll be left with a lot of paper etc. and stuff...I'll probably let the kids use it for crafts, if there is anything worth selling/rakking I will. There's something that I want a little more than books filled with embellishments, sitting on a shelf, unappreciated, never to be looked at. It's like wallpapering my walls with money.
Alex was completely awful today. I had no one to talk to, I couldn't even get a hold of Jamie. I seriously felt like I was going to throw a tantrum. What else was I supposed to do. It was him screaming for 3 hours straight...no consolation.
I have a lot of things to get organized for the summer still, so I need to get on that. Can you imagine a meal plan for the whole summer..all the meals/snacks? 4 crazy kids...you kind of have to. :S I'm just off now to peruse some sites for WW meals to plan this weeks meal plan.
ETA: I will keep on with my JustCre8 kits, as I have a 12 month committment to those! Besides, I already said no shopping for 2009... so I will probably buy little things here and there... until then.
How do you deal with stress?
Posted by Aleks at 7:34 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 26, 2008
Get Happy!
I'll admit...which you can probably figure out by my last post that I've been feeling pretty down on myself. It has been somewhat helpful sending out some happiness to people too. I love this paper...and I wish I felt as happy as the paper looks!
Posted by Aleks at 2:04 AM 1 comments
People. Don't you sometimes wish people would just judge you for who you are, who you really are. Not what you have been? Not that I've ever really been anything bad. lol. I've never intentionally hurt someone...I'm kind of generally too nice, which means people will try and walk all over me. It's not like I don't realize it, or anything...sometimes I just let it happen, because I couldn't be bothered trying to impress anyone. I guess what I mean is being judged on an incident or something dumb. Anyways, this makes no sense. I guess people, generally don't get me. I think they don't want to. That's alright I guess, I'm generally a loner. I like being with people, but I think I like being alone more.
Weight Watchers. has not been going well for me at all. I did lose .4 last week. I don't really know why I'm struggling. Especially when I stay on points. Last go around, the pounds were falling off of me so fast I thought I was sick. Now I can't lose it. I'd like to blame it on my gall bladder surgery, but that's a lame excuse. Maybe, metabolism after childbirth is slow to get going. So, here I am trying to persist, feeling almost as if I am being mocked by the scale.
Scrapbooking. Not really getting much of that done. For several reasons. Lack of creativity for one. Impeding sense of doom. (ie. mat leave will soon come to an end.) The warm weather. Guilt? I'm trying so hard to be the perfect mom. Dumb. I'm stressed. For once, I feel like my house is immaculate though. I feel like I'm nesting? Maybe, I'm pregnant...which would explain not losing weight, a clean house, and still no period? No. I'm not. I think. Probably.
More on the scrapbooking thing. I think often if I should just sell all of my stuff and get a new hobby. I don't know if I love this as much as I once used to. I don't feel creative, I don't feel connected with like-minded people, I second guess myself, it's expensive and maybe the money could be better spent? There is so many things that go through my mind. It almost appears that shopping for the supplies is the biggest addiction. I have a solution. I'll put myself on a budget. I've never done that before. Scary. :S Then I'll try something even scarier....I'll quit buying stuff for a year. That's kind of my goal for next year. I have way too much stuff...way more than I would ever use in a lifetime. Well, a lot of it is paper, but still, my layouts are simplistic. We'll see what happens in half a year.
Enough blabbing about life. Next post will be about something craft related.
Posted by Aleks at 1:43 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Hey, Hey, My, My!
Oops. It's been a while since I've been here. I've been keeping pretty busy, and I even had a layout sitting on my desk collecting dust for like 2 weeks. Yep,there was dust...and to make matters worse, I used the mm Chelsea's paper with flocking on it. Do you know how fun it is to get dust out of that? Not very.
I got a new haircut. I've been needing one. I wasn't going to until I got to my 10 percent goal...but I haven't been doing great, and I needed a pick me up. I don't think it really helped though. Here is what it kind of looks like...
...but it's awkward to take a self portrait with a...... Canon Rebel XTi 10.1 megapixel camera!!!!!! Yup, that was my mother's day gift. I am so stoked! I've taken close to a thousand pics now. *blush* I also got a blackberry...but best of all I got a fabulous carousel, or ferris wheel thingy that holds pics. Jamie actually used rubons and some old mm metal embellies to create it for me! I will get pics up, but apparently mine weren't good enough *eyeroll* so they got deleted!
I leave you with a layout. All products from the May Just Cre8 kit. The only thing extra I used were an Autumn Leaves stamp to make the corners. Yup, ink included in the kit. ;) Sorry about the horrible scan. :( I think my scanner is going kaputski...because the layouts are getting worse and worse in quality. :/
TIP: If you don't have a sewing machine, use your paper piercer to make holes. Use a pen to make the "stitches" and it looks a lot like you sewed on your layout! :) (I have a sewing machine, I'm just too lazy to have to go to another room, rethread it to the colour I need....etc)
Have a great day! :)
Posted by Aleks at 1:51 AM 1 comments
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Mother's Day Eve
I already got my gift, and it's freaking fantastic. :) I will share on Sunday...but today I just wanna blab! A little. So you know I'm still alive!
I've had a layout sitting on my desk for a week now, it actually had DUST on it!! *blush* I am working on finishing that up tonight..but the internet is sooo distracting! teehee.
Tomorrow, Jamie is working until 2, and he has explicitly instructed I must vaccate the premesis when he gets home, because him and DS (6 months on Mother's Day) are busy working on something!! *giggle* I can't wait!
So, I'm actually excited to just get out tomorrow and get to some thrift shops. I am on the prowl for some vintage children's book, and a copy of Alice in Wonderland.
I am obsessed with Alice, and all things wonderland...and not the Disney version..but the whole idea of the magical place. It all started when I started buying this retro colour tealy green stuff at Winner's (there is a US equivalent store just can't remember the name) with the name "tea with alice." Cute, right? So, now I have my heart set on decorating Wonderland style!!! Not Disney style..but think colours and teacups etc. It sounds corny...but in my mind wonderful...and not tacky. It will be tough. It will be vintagey Alice.... so I'm looking to collect tea tins, and I'll be making some funky art, and a nifty chandelier. ;) But, it won't be for this house...so it's kind of all in the planning stages...in my mind! Does anyone here have Alice in Wonderland type stuff? Tea stuff?? Getting rid of it? :D
Vintage children's books. I am obsessed with vintage. Really. Lately it's vintage paper/cutouts etc. I NEED!!! *sigh* How badly... Hope to come across something tomorrow!
Anyways, I leave you with a layout, just in case you get bored reading all this stuff!!!
This was done using a pagemaps Sketch. FP papers and felt, We R Memory Keepers chipboard "you" and some DB frills, and one beautifully gorgeous son. :)
Posted by Aleks at 12:03 AM 3 comments
Friday, May 2, 2008
Scrap Night
Every month end, you know that time all of our CP delivery guys fear...I anticipate the arrival of my JC kit! Well, I've made 2 layouts with it tonight. I'm not fond of the other so much, but I love this layout...I toyed around with embellishing it a bit more, but in the end, I decided it's well enough as it is. So, in honour of Mother's Day...here I am with my youngest son. See that brad in the centre? The orange one? That is a bazzill brad...covered in cardstock... SOOO cute, I couldn't resist using some JC stamps on it. I must locate me some more of these..they are toooo fun to work with!
Have a great weekend, all!! :)
Posted by Aleks at 12:50 AM 3 comments
Thursday, May 1, 2008
May Kit in Da House!
Perfect timing, I got my May kit from Just Cre8! Sue has TOTALLY outdone herself. If anyone reading my blog is contemplating this kit..don't...just get it!! If it's too expensive, there's a little sister for a significantly lesser cost!

There is sooo much freaking paper in here, and my favouritest line EVER!!! FP About a Boy. 9 sheets (3 of them duplicates) A couple sheets of Pink Paislee and a couple sheets of BG Cupcake...and 10 sheets of bazzill. You really do get a ton of paper and it's hard to tell by the photo.
There are a ton of other co-ordinating goodies...the stamps...YUM!! the ink choices...Ok, you get it..it's my favourite kit ever!! ;)
In addition to my kit, I got my crop prizes and holy moly is Sue generous!! I got a copy of Canadian Scrapbooker and Scrapbook & Cards Today, and 8x8 Chatterbox Corduroy album...perfect for my baby boy..I LOVE IT!!!, a pack of boutique blush AC ribbon, bazzill really big brads, MR? arrow chipboard album on keychain, daisyd's rub ons and a copy of the mockudrama Inside Scrapbooking!!! I can't wait to watch it, think DH will watch with me? LOL
I didn't know what I was getting as a prize, and there were a lot of winners for all the challenges...I can't believe how generous Sue is!!!
If you have a chance, check out this awesome site! Just Cre8!
Posted by Aleks at 11:08 AM 0 comments